An inevitable question arises, does the chief diversity officer position need to exist? If everyone within the organization ultimately shoulders the responsibility, should the role be dissolved and fused into the responsibilities of all senior management? LaGrant Foundation chair Kim Hunter says: “What is the validity and credibility of these roles? What do they do? They have limited budgets, limited staff. Why do you have it if it’s not delivering — or is it a cover?”

Mike Paul, Reputation Doctor president, adds: “I strongly believe DEI officers and other D&I positions are cover, spin and highly ineffective and should be fully eliminated. I believe the CEO and board should be fully accountable for all diversity and inclusion period. The solution is hiring senior executives into P&L leadership positions by the dozens with no excuses and a voting board of at least 1/3rd executives of color by white board members courageously giving up their seats now. You can’t say you want to help and not do the above. It is a major part of the solution.”

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