From Linkedin:

  1. Treat Women With Full Respect, Like Queens – Some say treat women like family, but sadly, most families are dysfunctional. In fact, many families don’t treat women with the respect they deserve and much of the bad male behavior is learned at home. A queen is to be revered, respected, treated better than an equal and is the matriarch of a family. Treat a woman like a queen!
  2. Create a Strict Boundary Between Work and Dating – this includes any sexual banter with both male and female colleagues. Never cross the line into disrespect and never using language or contribute to building a disrespectful and harmful culture your mother, wife or sister would be upset or embarrassed to witness. Be much better than that.
  3. Live Your Life Like News Cameras Follow You 24/7, Because They Do! – Learn to remember most privacy in the world is now dead. In today’s world, every person with a smartphone is a potential journalist. We all can record video, audio or snap a photo or press a livestream button in a instant and send them all around the world. Transparency and accountability rule the day. As a result there is truly no where to hide. Change your habits.
  4. Your Addictions Will Cause You To Do Stupid Things. Seek Help For Your Addictions Today – Whether it’s alcohol, other drugs or addictions to sex and acting a fool, all these addictions require proper treatment or you’re at risk to commit sexual harassment or sexual assault. Seek professional help today before it’s too late.
  5. The Truth ALWAYS Bubbles To The Top! – Don’t be stupid enough to think you are smarter than everyone else to not get caught. You will eventually get caught! In today’s #MeToo & #TimesUp world, women and men who have been abused are more courageous than ever before. They will speak up. Do the right thing and change your poor behavior today and build safe boundaries to protect yourself and others!

It is truly courageous to make authentic and ethical changes to one’s life versus hiding and hoping change will just happen. It never does. Why is this so important? Because Your Reputation Is Everything!™ For more info, check out Reputation Doctor®.